Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Learning to blog

Did you know that you can send emails to the ESOL blog?

The body of the email is the post and the subject of the email is the
title. You can even attach photos and they will go into the ESOL blog.


message To aron

Aron great !
your pancake is delicious.
you try to another cook

Parent Talk Time learning to blog

Today we learnt how to:
  1. How to log into the ESOL blog.
  2. Make a comment on the ESOL blog.
  3. How to email a blog post to family or friends overseas.
  4. How to make a blog post.
  5. How to email to the blog!

Monday, June 29, 2009

A letter to Miss Anthony

It is nearly holiday soon! and I would like to thank you for teaching and learning with
you and having a trip. It is such fun!making slide show is fun as well.Now,I like esol best because Esol dosen`t have any boring stuff! hope you have fun at hoilday.

From Aron

Friday, June 26, 2009

What I like about ESOL

I like going on trips and learning English at ESOL.

Thank you for teaching us.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reflections on our Rest Home visit

"I liked serving the old people because it was fun. I was very happy that they were happy with the food and my sharing." Tae Hun

"I enjoyed when we showed our work because I was very brave and they were proud of us." Chris

"I liked when the people saw my curly hair. They said my hair looked so curly and cute." Aron

"I liked when I was sharing about Switzerland because it was my home country. I told them about where I grew up and how I like to go to the mountains." Ryan

"I liked showing the other people what I made." Noa

"I liked doing the slideshow because I was helping people." Yoon Su

"I quite liked the lolly cake because we made it and it was quite delicious." Yoo Kyung

"I liked being helpful and sharing all about me. I said all about me - that I like bunnies, I am seven years old and I am from Korea." Na Myung

"I liked telling all about me because then we knew each other." Yoon Seok

"She didn't know my story and I told her my story so I am happy. She said it was good." Soo Hong

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Natsuko's mouse and cat

I made a cat and a mouse. I like the mouse because he is blue. I like the cat's whiskers!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yusuke and the cat

I am making a cat. The cat has legs, a head, a tail and whiskers.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Test email post

This is a test post to see if hyperlinks work, plus if images can be
emailed directly to the blog. Isn't my girl cute!

Rob Clarke

Mathematics Learning - Term 2

For the first half of this term the students were working on learning the language of Geometry - position and orientation.

The Yellow, Red and Purple groups learnt to use prepositions accurately for example above, around, in, on, under, behind and in front.

These junior students are placing pictures on a scene by following instructions which include prepositions.

The Green and Blue groups learnt the language of mapping for example clockwise, anti-clockwise, left, right, North, South, West and East, whole, half and quarter turns.

After following oral instructions to reach their destination, these senior students are hunting for buried pirate treasure.

They then created maps and instructions of their own.

The Green and Blue groups are now learning about Measurement - capacity and weight. The students are applying their knowledge and vocabulary by baking for their visit to Mayfair Rest Home in Week 9.

Literacy Learning - Term 2

This term we have been learning how to retell a fable or traditional tale in lots of different ways. We have had lots of fun making slide shows of a range of fables, including how the elephant got his long nose. Senior students will share their learning at their visit to Mayfair Resthome.

Opening the new ESOL rooms, farewelling Mrs Chey and sharing our learning

On Tuesday 7 April, the whole school joined together outside the new ESOL rooms to share in an opening ceremony. The Kapahaka group gave a rousing welcome, followed by a song in Korean and Maori from the ESOL children. Mr Sibson cut the ribbon and declared our two new rooms and garden officially open!

After this the ESOL community retired to the Village, where senior students shared some of their learning from the term. In particular they talked about the planting of our special garden and took the opportunity to formally thank Des Cameron from Grounds and Services Limited for the kind donation of plants and materials. The students also farwelled June Chey who is leaving at the end of Term 1. She will be missed!

Our celebration concluded with a shared lunch. Thank you to all the parents who supported this event!


June 2009

Dear Parents,

Resthome Visit

To help us to share our learning with the wider community, we are planning a trip to Mayfair Resthome on Tuesday 23 June for Year 3-6 students. We will be travelling by car, leaving the school after lunch, and returning just before 3pm. We will be sharing our slide shows about retelling traditional stories. Our children will also have the opportunity to talk about their learning one to one.

As well we have been busy baking, as part of our learning about Measurement, and have some yummy fruit loaf and lollie cake to share with the residents. Also children will be taking their Maths folders to share the work they have been doing on Geometry.

Parent Talk Time
We are working on making changes to ESOL online. Therefore Parent Talk Time will now be in Week 10 Tuesday 30 June, instead of Week 8. We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,
Glenys Williams and Judith Anthony

Friday, June 12, 2009

Red group - The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Shion The boy tricked everyone and there was a wolf. The people did not come.
Raphael The boy tricked the people. He called "wolf". Now there was a real wolf and the boy wasn't tricking.
The boy tricked everyone calling "Wolf". The next day it was really a wolf, and the boy called "Wolf" but they didn't come back.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Translation Tools

I found this link tonight which has links to various translation tools. We need to play with them to find the best solution for the ESOL community.

This link called Taragana (US$30 but need to check it it works in a Blogger blog) in my delicious links tagged 'translation' may be worth looking at as it is reputed to be more accurate than many of the freely available tools:

http://delicious.com/robclarke/translation (this is where all my translation links will be stored)

Here is a whole raft of flags, many of which won't be relevant to us:

Reference: www.techieblogger.com

Things for us to work on

  1. Picassa album - how to add photos
  2. Dashboard - homepage for Blogger
  3. Settings - to give priviledges
  4. Create separate google acc for children
  5. Labels - important keywords, allows you to find things
  6. Customising blog - add gadgets
  7. Commenting

Monday, June 8, 2009

Features we'd like on this blog

Dear Glenys, Judith and Amy,

As part of your learning about using a blog, can you each please give some thought to the sorts of features you might want to include on a tool like this and record your ideas as comments to this post? My thoughts include:
  • Translation if we can find one that works well enough.
  • Labels for each child in the ESOL programme.
  • We need to consider whether each child will get their own Google account, or if they will use the same shared one. I'll comment pros/cons of both ways.
  • Images to show children's learning.
  • Direct feed into the ESOL wiki - I'll make a test home page on the wiki for this.
Check the link underneath this post called 'Comments' for this.