Monday, June 8, 2009

Features we'd like on this blog

Dear Glenys, Judith and Amy,

As part of your learning about using a blog, can you each please give some thought to the sorts of features you might want to include on a tool like this and record your ideas as comments to this post? My thoughts include:
  • Translation if we can find one that works well enough.
  • Labels for each child in the ESOL programme.
  • We need to consider whether each child will get their own Google account, or if they will use the same shared one. I'll comment pros/cons of both ways.
  • Images to show children's learning.
  • Direct feed into the ESOL wiki - I'll make a test home page on the wiki for this.
Check the link underneath this post called 'Comments' for this.

1 comment:

  1. Pros and Cons for giving kids google accounts.

    -you can have total control over whether children can alter the blog or not by making them authors or administrators.
    -with individual accounts it makes it hard for children to accidentally muck up each others posts.
    -children with their own gmail accounts will be able to use that gmail account when they leave FOS.
    -you could create a gmail address for a family (might not work for multiple kids in one family though).
    -a shared ESOL google account would make learning to blog easier for the kids and families.

    -it is more work to implement because kids need to learn to create an account and log in/etc.
