Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shared lunch

Last week we had a day when all the children dressed up and brought food from different countries. I brought something from Swizerland and it was called cacets und hornly. It is like a kind of spaghetti with meat on it. My favourite part of the day was trying all the food because I was really hungry. I tried lots of other foods. I had lots of sushi and cacets und hornly. The cake was delicious. It was a lemon flavour.


  1. hallo min schatz

    ich han richtig chöne gseh i dim gsicht, wie dus gnosse häsch, all die verschiedene sache chöne uszprobiere.
    ich find das ganz toll, wenn mer de muet ät zum anderi sache zversueche- mach witer so:)
    küssli mami

  2. hallo min schatz
    ganz toll häsch du das schriebä.
    ich han richtig chöne i dim gsicht gseh, wie du das gnosse häsch, all die feine sache uszprobiere:)
    ich find dass ganz toll, wenn mer so en shared lunch macht, so hät mer dmöglichkeit sache uszprobiere, wo mer nöd kennt.
    au isch es schön, wenn mer sis land chan representiere, den mer isch en teil devo, ich finds ganz toll, wie du dschwiz representiert äsch i dim schöne gwändli.
    küssli mami

  3. You looked very handsome on our shared lunch day Ryan. Your dad is a marvelous creator of food! I still have to concentrate and read the name of his delicious dish carefully. It was great to see you attempting many new dishes from many countries. It was a great lunch! Well done.
