Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reflections on our Rest Home visit

"I liked serving the old people because it was fun. I was very happy that they were happy with the food and my sharing." Tae Hun

"I enjoyed when we showed our work because I was very brave and they were proud of us." Chris

"I liked when the people saw my curly hair. They said my hair looked so curly and cute." Aron

"I liked when I was sharing about Switzerland because it was my home country. I told them about where I grew up and how I like to go to the mountains." Ryan

"I liked showing the other people what I made." Noa

"I liked doing the slideshow because I was helping people." Yoon Su

"I quite liked the lolly cake because we made it and it was quite delicious." Yoo Kyung

"I liked being helpful and sharing all about me. I said all about me - that I like bunnies, I am seven years old and I am from Korea." Na Myung

"I liked telling all about me because then we knew each other." Yoon Seok

"She didn't know my story and I told her my story so I am happy. She said it was good." Soo Hong


  1. Dear Chris,

    That's great that you felt brave when you spoke to the residents at the rest home.


  2. I really enjoy to go resthome.And learning new stuff from other people

